Let's play a game. Who said, "An abortion is a decision between a woman and her God?" If you guessed, our newly-inagurated and much-celebrated president, Barack Obama, then you are right. But, who else said it? I did. Yep, you read that right. I did, long before the Champion of Change swept the polls, as the Editor of my high school newspaper. It appeared in the final paragraph in what I was sure was one of the best written editorials in Ram News' history. How odd, I thought, when I heard my words come out of President Obama's mouth.
Coincidence? No, I don't believe in them. Rather, I think that the language is strikingly similar because it came from the same author, that wicked spirit who Paul says is working in the sons (and daughters) of disobedience. Ageless and wonton, his murderous message has not changed. It was the same in the days of the Kings of Israel when they made their little ones pass through the fires of Molech. It whispered to me back in 1991, convincing me not only that abortion was a humane choice, but that I should use my influence to convince others to believe the same. And yes, that same monster is speaking to our president, whispering lies about woman's rights and calling into question the value of even rice-sized human life.
But, Halleluia, while I was an enemy of Christ, self-righteously writing lies about His most precious ones, He died for me. One will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet SINNERS (God-hating, death-loving, lieing, filthy-minded, wretched fools), Christ died for us. Here I was railing against all that was good and instead of wiping me out, He saved me. And that, has made all the difference.
Brothers and sisters, if God can change me--once the biggest, ugliest feminist you'd ever want to meet, he can change our President. Pray that He does. And pray for the thousands of crisis pregnanncy centers throughout our country that have been quietly, lovingly, and effectively changing the hearts of coutless abortion-minded girls and women.
Shameless plug
10 years ago