After hearing that all my friends were doing it (why does this sound like the time I nearly passed out after trying to smoke a cigarette when I was 9?), I sucumbed to to the overwhelming chick pressure. And so here I am, typing out my first little installment while the rest of my family sleeps peacefully.
Actually, the chick pressure thing is pretty much a ruse. I've been looking for an excuse to pound the keys again, and since God has made it abundantly clear I'm not allowed to write for money at the moment, this will have to do. I'm sure I'll have more to say about that little stipulation later.
So for now, I really don't have anything profound to say. I just thought I would get things rolling. But, don't you worry, I'll have plenty to say later, like any good Yankee woman (I may live in Alabama, but I hail from Iowa where folks just tell it like it is).
Shameless plug
10 years ago
1 comment:
It's about time chickie!
Luv ya,
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