I was much more inspired this afternnoon, but I couldn't seem to get anywhere near my computer today. Such is the life of a homeshool mom.
But, I didn't want to go to bed without encouraging those who read this blog (all five of you) to join me in a time of fasting and praying during the three days leading up to this year's election. I've only been around for a little over three decades, but I have never felt this kind of apprehension about the future of our country before.
The poles seem to indicate it's a done deal and that not only is the country about to elect the most radically liberal president in history, we may also be looking at a fillabuster-proof Democratic-controlled House and Senate. Now, I'm no political scientist, but I believe that means that they're basically going to have it their way all day long.
No matter where you lean politically, this imbalance of power is a fearful thing. It is in desperate times, that God calls His children to not only pray, but also to fast. Again, I am no expert on fasting, but past experience tells me that when I fast I am driven to my knees, compelled to pray, not in abreviated bursts of frustration or convenience, but in groanings often too deep for words. Hunger reminds us of what could be and what is a reality to so many who spend their lives suffering. It removes distraction. It clarifies. And it cleanses.
The first day is always the worst, as you fight off the temptation to just give in. Usually about this time visions of fried chicken legs begin to dance about in your head and inevitablly, someone will stop by with something homemade and nearly irrestiable. By the second day, the pounding headache begins, begging you to restore your sugar levels by busting into that plate of brownies that just happened to appear yesterday. All along, you are faced with the choice: give up or cry out to Him. In this way, we grow closer to the Father. We are hunrgy and He has spiritual food that will satisfy if we trust Him to bring us through.
By the third day, your stomach feels as though a very agressive washer-woman has wrung it from the inside out. It grumbles angrily, demanding sustenance. But, now you have two days behind you. Already you can look back and see the hand of the Lord working actively in your life, something you may not have seen for a very long time. And suddenly, you have a testimony. A foundation so solid that not even a seven-course dinner prepared by Emeril himself could tempt you on this, your third day.
I wrote of three days, because that is how many days I plan to fast. I will begin the fast November 1st, Saturday morning. I will break it after I vote on Tuesday, November 4th. During the fast, I will specifically focus on repenting personally from my many and sorted idols, and then I will begin to repent on behalf of this nation, whose sins are many. I will beg our Father for forgiveness and mercy, for it is mercy that we need above all else. And, I will ask Him to change the hearts and minds of the many Christians who plan to vote for Obama, and I will be so bold as to pray that God would turn the tide, confound the poles and bring McCain victory.
I do not know what God will do. I am simply trying to be obedient to his Word. If Obama is elected, this too will be God's will. And I fast with this in mind. I want to be prepared for the trials that will undoubtedly accompany this wicked man's presidency. I want to be found faithful in a faithless generation.
Please pray for me....I do like food, you know.
Shameless plug
10 years ago
1 comment:
Mrs. Pavlik,
I will be praying for you, as well as for our country! We do often fast during these times, although, because I am still growing(physically), I find it extremely difficult to fast for more than one day. I am thinking (and praying) about fasting on Tuesday. As far as praying, I am with you all the way! God give you strength as you fast, especailly having all those boys draining out your energy!
Love, Nicole
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