Is there anything you can't find on the Internet? I couldn't help myself. I had to publish this little ditty from my childhood. Take amoment now to imagine, me--ten years old and piggy-tailed sitting Indian style in my tiny bedroom clutching my record player and singing along with all my might....
I pulled into the loading zoneFeeling nervous, I was all aloneUnloading my equipment before the showI started wheeling it down the hallTill I turned, hearing a young man call"Can I help? That must be heavy I know..I've been looking forward to your show.""Cause my mom's a feministSo I understand. That's why I'm here todayI've come to lend a hand. I was raised on equal rights. And furthermoreShe helped me seeThat equalityis a goal worth fighting for."
She decided she could do some goodRinging doorbells in the neighborhoodNot for the Girl Scouts, but for ERASometimes she takes her friends aloneShe's only 10, but she's already strongShe's a move and a shaker well on her way. When they ask what she's doing, this is what she'll say.
Different questions in the classroom nowYoung seekers asking howThings came to be, and how they can changeBecoming women and becoming menMay not ever be the same againBut the new ways won't be quite as strangeWhen the people they trust help them get it arranged.
Because we're feminists, so we understandThat's why we're here today, we've come to lend a hand. We raise them on equal rights, and furthermoreWe help them see that equalityIs a goal worth fighting for. It's worth all the time you take. What a difference your time can make For the new generation still coming along. If our movement is to lastWe must see that the torch is passed. And today's young people will grow up strongAnd thousands more will sing this song
Shameless plug
10 years ago
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